- Trance
- Springs
- Urge
- Forgive Our Sins
- Original mon or
- Original my gold
- Derrida and Law
- Aux tournants des angles droits
- Around our Corner
- Le visage de Charlie
- Charlie’s Face
- Les Jeux de la Copule
- Plays of the Copula
- Au-delà du Baiser
- Beyond the Kiss
- In-Finir
- Stories From a History
- Foreigners of the Antiquity
- The Foreigner Enters Reason (1500-1800)
- Centripetal Foreignness (1800-1920)
- Particles of Foreignness
- On Departing
- On Being-Over-There
- Here and Now : Being a Foreigner
- Language and Reconstruction
- Hospitality : Ethics meets Culture
- Language and the Written : The Tool of Foreignness
- Philosophy : The Desire of Foreignness
- Metaphysics for Today
- The Space of a Foreigner
- The Time of a Foreigner
- The Knowledge of a Foreigner
- An Addressee’s Resolution
- Out of the Circle : Kentron
- Ethical Adventures of an Evolutionary Theorist
- Opening the Phenomenon of Time
- Husserl : Remembrance of Things Past
- Heidegger : Springs of Time Within
- Levinas : Otherwise, Time
- On the Dialogues of Philosophy and Science
- Levinas : For the Feminine Other
- Levinas, the Patriarch
- Levinas, Benevolent Father ?
- Levinas, Exploding Genders and Sexualities ?
- A Taste for the Other
- An Ethics of Love
- Others and the Loved Other
- The Escape
- Epistemological Escape
- Ontological Escape
- Love and Time
- Separation, Death and Remaining the Other
- An Ethics of Love – Overture
- Justifying Corruption
- The Socio-Capitalist Cocktail
- Bureaucracy and the Race for Information
- The Competition of Pluralities
- Necessities and Structures of Corruption
- Beams and Dims
- Blinding Lights : For the Love of Frames
- Of ‘Lightless’ Enlightenments : Is India’s Modernity ‘in the Dark’ ?
- On the Cohabitations of Exclusive Histories
- Dalit Self-Affirmation
- An Ethics of Love – Annex
- Science and Interpretation: Girard and the Scientific Discourse
- Genealogy of a Temptation
- Ayurveda and the Structuralist Beef
- A Coup of Languages
- Heidegger and Science: Questioning the Question
- Nietzsche’s Hide-and-Seek: A Play with Science
- Postcolonial Guilt, or the Evening Out of Equality
- The Order of Madness
- At the Edge of God : Leibniz
- Health and Philosophy
- Herodotus, First Orientalist ?
- Orientalism : The Theory
- Orientalism : Influences
- Orientalism : Resistances
- Ancient Greece and the Barbaros
- An Account of Egypt – Where is the Orientalist Hiding ?
- On the Neutrality of the Historian
- Herodotus, or the Contagion of Foreignness
- Becoming Foreigner
- Two Frenchmen in the Orient
- The Writing Traveler
- Imagining the Locals
- On the Aesthetics of Despair
- After Anatta : Towards a Girardian Ethics
- The Language of Foreignness
- Defining the Foreigner: Existential Migration
- The Mimetico-Buddhist Connection
- Heidegger: The Unheimlich
- Questioning the Supremacy of Reason
- Mimetic Ethics, Ethics Embodied
- Merleau-Ponty: Parole and Pensée
- Girard’s Ethical Silence
- Non-Violence, Fundamental Ethical Principle ?
- Derrida: The Supplement
- In Search of the Middle Path : The Ethics of Distance
- Bridges to Co-Responsibility
- The Humor of a Foreigner
- Writing in a Foreign Language
- When Foreign Becomes Home
- On the Ethics of Not Understanding
- Language, Foreignness and Philosophy
- The Poetic Fulfilment
- Tragedies of Imprudence
- From Myth to Philosophy
- Greek Religion: Miasma in the Polis
- The Reluctance to Talk on the Self: A Literary Device?
- Humor and Historical Writing
- Kumararamuni Katha & Girard
- Lifelines and Ashes of Beauty
- An Encounter : Buddhism and Christianity
- Authorities : A Continued Dependency
- Metaphysics : The Clash of Reasons
- Sexuality : (Avoiding) the Repression of the Senses
- Joining Reason and the Senses : The Mystics
- A Dialogue : Inside, Outside
- Muray’s Poetic Imagination
- Khushia, or the hesitant gaze
- How to Re-Appropriate Historical Conjunctures
- Girard and Philosophy
- Non-Self : From Anatta to Samvriti
- Is Anatta Behind the Mimetic Theory ?
- Towards a Girardian Ethics
- The Author Function
- Orgasm is a Metaphor
- Is Buddhism a Philosophy ?
- The Double Dislocation
- The Art of Cacolfacty
- The Symbols of Early Buddhist Art
- Buddhist Sanskrit: Hybrid?
- Trilaksana
- On Sarvastivāda
- Pour voyager heureux…