Year: 2014

December 2, 2014

Juste une affaire de quelques précieuses minutes, a couple minutes of your time. Mais pas pour eux. Novembre, Décembre, deux mois, a couple of months, mois des couples dans le sous-continent. Ce weekend, plusieurs de mes amis se marient. A couple. Of Couples. Deux. Deux couples…

December 2, 2014

This will just take a couple minutes of your time. Not of theirs. November, December, a couple of months, months of the couples in the sub-continent. This weekend, a few of my friends are getting married. A couple. Of couples. Twice coupled, ‘fastened together’ (Latin: co-apere), together respectively, one to one other. But together, the four of them, the same weekend…

November 30, 2014

C’est là que Brossard et moi commençâmes à perdre notre complicité. J’étais le préféré du pion de toute la promo, pour toute l’année de sixième. Mais les temps avaient changés. Deux ans plus tard, et j’étais repéré à tenir la main d’une fille, ou surpris dans la cour de l’école à donner un piou furtif…

November 30, 2014

That is when Brossard and I started losing our complicity. I was the student advisor’s favourite in the whole batch, for the entire year of 6th grade. But times changed. A couple years down the line, and I was spotted holding a girl’s hand, or caught on the school’s courtyard giving a surreptitious peck…

May 9, 2014

De L’Infini : A Foreigner’s Metaphysics
— General Introduction

In the beginning, there never was the foreigner.

May 9, 2014

De L’Infini : A Foreigner’s Metaphysics

Book I — Foreigner, There : History of a Political Capture
— Introduction

What is the history of ‘foreigner’? The question is obvious, and fundamental…

May 9, 2014

De L’Infini : A Foreigner’s Metaphysics

Book I — Foreigner, There : History of a Political Capture
— Part 1

The fact is undeniable : the earliest communities of what would later be conceived as the Western civilisation are cultures profoundly marked by the event of foreignness.

May 9, 2014

De L’Infini : A Foreigner’s Metaphysics

Book I — Foreigner, There : History of a Political Capture
— Part 2

The Renaissance : times of intellectual and artistic renewal after the long Middle Ages…

May 9, 2014
May 9, 2014

De L’Infini : A Foreigner’s Metaphysics

Book II — Foreigner, Here : Existentialist Foreignness
— Introduction

Back to the foreigner proper. What has the first-person voice of a foreigner to do in a philosophical exploration of foreignness ? …