Homepage Feb 2016

Dear You,

Oldest dream of the Wide Web : message in a bottle.

But old dreams too deserve their fulfilments.

Tricks and laws of the written text — long silences, unplanned delivery, unexpected reader.

And thus, it found you.

The text has its own time, its own life and experiences, and life expectancy. Awaited for long, unnoticed first and celebrated later, or the opposite, or neither.

As of right now, the production is calm. But this only means : more occasions to refresh a few encounters from the (near) past :

[rev_slider alias=”news-gallery-post-archive”] fresh

Old or dead voice — easy temptation, antique fantasy.
But even in times of draught, a few drops or a few grains always find their way through :

[rev_slider alias=”news-gallery-post-main”] latest essays

And, because

it is you

, and because sometimes, with a bit of chance, encounters also occur in the present :

All Essays

as well as my

Essay Series


And a few intuitive entries, chiselled along the way, impromptu guides through the jungle of words:




March February


December November
October September
Waiting for your response


Yours Sincerely,

