Tag: Authority

November 30, 2014

That is when Brossard and I started losing our complicity. I was the student advisor’s favourite in the whole batch, for the entire year of 6th grade. But times changed. A couple years down the line, and I was spotted holding a girl’s hand, or caught on the school’s courtyard giving a surreptitious peck…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 1

The question of authority is not one involving only politics and the critique of concrete powers; it is also a proper philosophical problem. Through the setting of a hierarchy of authority, a community shows its capacity to put into practice its fundamental principles and maintain its heritage…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Conclusion

In the course of this essay series, I have been able to highlight numbers of bridges, and occasionally, certain incompatibilities, between two major religious and spiritual traditions of our world : Christianity and Buddhism…