Tag: Christianity

May 9, 2014

De L’Infini : A Foreigner’s Metaphysics

Book I — Foreigner, There : History of a Political Capture
— Part 1

The fact is undeniable : the earliest communities of what would later be conceived as the Western civilisation are cultures profoundly marked by the event of foreignness.

November 4, 2013
August 19, 2013

The Enlightenment Century is generally presented as an era of revolutions in science and philosophy in occidental Europe. The Enlightenment’s appeal to reason was then considered as the cornerstone for the conception of the human being and life in societies, which was to be followed during the major social, political and economical developments that would occur in the following centuries…

January 21, 2013

The idea of applying the composite anthropologico-historical theory of French philosopher René Girard (born 1923) to Indian society and its mythology is not a new project. The complex Indian civilization possesses undoubtedly certain historical features liable to a fruitful analysis through his theory…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Introduction

According to the last censuses, Christianity is still the world’s largest population, counting more than two billion members and representing about one third of the global population. Christianity is still in a “good shape”, due to reinforced religious vigour in areas like Africa or South America…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 1

The question of authority is not one involving only politics and the critique of concrete powers; it is also a proper philosophical problem. Through the setting of a hierarchy of authority, a community shows its capacity to put into practice its fundamental principles and maintain its heritage…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 2

In the realm of metaphysics, compromises are difficult : Buddhism and Christianity are hardly reconcilable. The former generally rejected all notions of God or self, before turning, with Mahāyāna Buddhism, to a full-fledged doctrine of emptiness…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 3

It is not as a sensational or a sensible but as a sensuous matter that sexuality is an important question of philosophy. A tradition’s discourse on sexuality can reveal two almost radically opposite loci…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 4

Mystics do not inhabit the same location in Buddhism and in Christianity. In the former, they constitute the majority of the spiritual actors, since enlightenment is a process relying mostly on self-realisation….

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Conclusion

In the course of this essay series, I have been able to highlight numbers of bridges, and occasionally, certain incompatibilities, between two major religious and spiritual traditions of our world : Christianity and Buddhism…