Tag: Spirituality

February 18, 2013

While it is a well-known fact that the whole lifestyle of Ancient Greece was entirely imbued with theological elements, via the importance of the Greek pantheon, it is more rarely clarified that this spiritual life was a very unique type of religion. The understanding and practices revolving around the relations between humans and God was such that calling it a “religion” is in itself a controversy…

February 4, 2013
November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 3

It is not as a sensational or a sensible but as a sensuous matter that sexuality is an important question of philosophy. A tradition’s discourse on sexuality can reveal two almost radically opposite loci…

November 30, 2012

Reason and the Senses :
A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Christianity
— Part 4

Mystics do not inhabit the same location in Buddhism and in Christianity. In the former, they constitute the majority of the spiritual actors, since enlightenment is a process relying mostly on self-realisation….