Tag: Caricature

January 8, 2015

Deuil national, bégaiements médiatiques, drapeaux en berne et millions sans précédents pour des centaines de marches solidaires silencieuses. La France a été touchée, où ça fait mal. Et même ses membres les plus éloignés, volontiers confidents de leurs détachements patriotiques, doivent reconnaitre à quel point ses nerfs restent vifs – moi aussi, j’étais et je suis choqué…

January 8, 2015

National mourning, stuttering media, flags at half-mast and unprecedented millions over hundreds of silent solidarity walks. France has been hit, where it hurts. And even its remotest members, overconfident of their patriotic detachment, must acknowledge how lively its running nerves still remain – I, too, was and am shocked…

May 10, 2013

Two Frenchmen in the Orient – Part 2
The most recurrent – and delightful – materials found in Flaubert’s stories from Egypt are precisely the author’s reflections on the very act of writing. Flaubert basically writes about writing. … But one would not deny that there is also a more humanistic interest in the project of travelling…